Archive for March, 2007

Working on the web site

March 4th, 2007

I have just finished dong a few updates to me web site. I have done a few things including a link to my latest Flickr images and a tumblelog powered by Tubler that I am still to finish.

I am quite excited by the tumblelog despite being rather ambivalent about it at first. Now when I come across something interesting (web page, blog entry, image) that is worth noting but I don’t have time to blog, I just click one button and it is listed.

I will also be moving more of my personal rubbish from my main blog to my Vox blog. Tech stuff, rants, fun stuff and news will remain here. Pictures of parties and office plants will be on Vox.

Sorry if the site went a little weird as I was uploading it. It will go weird again soon when I finish it off.

Finally I am trying to get in to Twitter. I am still rather concerned about putting information out so publicly, but I will be using it to say when I have blogged, updates the web site and things like that in the near future as an experiment.

Street art – Sponsored by BT

March 3rd, 2007

Now you may not know this, but I am an expert when it comes to art. Yes, show we something and after a short ponder I will be able to tell you if it is art, or just a thing. Some say that I am talking gibberish, but that are heathens who do not appreciate art, or do not appreciate not art, whatever it is or was. :-)

Anyway, I digresses. My mother knowing that I like a bit of street art decided to send me this article about the phone box at the end of the road. Please have a read.

For reference the phone box was not art until the sign went up, then it was. It is not something I can explain, it just is okay. ;-) I will now be producing signs for things around Tyneside to identify if they are are or not, so keep a look out for them.


March 3rd, 2007

A long time ago (well 1990) I watched a television program created by Douglas Adams that demonstrated the concept of hyperlinking. It was a documentary(ish) that demonstrated the modern world wide web before it’t time.

This programme proved thought provoking and influential to me at the time, but it was forgotten over time and I never anticipated that I would even be able to find out what it was called never mind see it again. Fortunately I came across a reference to in in Wikipedai and discovered it was called “Hyperland”. After a little more digging I found it is here on Google Video.

If you have an hour to spare then I strongly recommend a viewing.

New Travelline number

March 3rd, 2007

In Tyneside we had a great travel information service on the end of a local telephone number. Next came the national travel line number “0870 608 2608”. This number is changed at a “national rate”, and because it was an 0870 it is not included in most discounted and free call plans. It costs a fortune from my mobile.

After reading an article on the Nexus* web site I learned that the number will be changing to “0871 200 22 33”. This is more expensive still and will not be accessible on some phones where premium rate numbers are blocked.

The number is being changed because “The change to the telephone number was prompted by Ofcom (The Government’s Office of Communications) making changes to the way 0870 numbers are priced.”, or in English “We are making money from the calls you are making to the public service and need to change the number to continue to do so”.

Now the good news. Most 0845, 0870 and 0871 numbers are mapped to a normal telephone number. These numbers are collated by Say No To 0870 and are searchable on there web site. You will need to check for your local number, but in Tyneside I now only need to call 0191 244 5695 and pay no more than the local call charge.

* Nexus is essentially the Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive.
