Archive for March, 2008

BarCampNorthEast is go

March 26th, 2008

Yes, at long last we have a confirmed venue for BarCampNorthEast that is to first be held in The Art Works Galleries, Newcastle.

I see a BarCamp is a gathering of people who want to learn stuff off each other and generally socialise with new friends. To find out more about BarCamps check out the BarCamp wiki.

Already there a few good people are intending to come, and [free] tickets go online soon. It is all about the people who attend, so make it that bit better and come along yourself. All you need to go is give a presentation or run a session, and if you think you can’t do that then get in touch and I will explain just how easy it is.

Finally if you know me and need a floor or couch to sleep on on the Friday or Sunday then let me know and I will see what I can do. Also any other questions, no matter how random, please do ask.

Update: The first round of tickets are available at 11am on the 1st of April (and no, this is not a joke).
