Google Calender

April 13th, 2006 by Alistair MacDonald Leave a reply »

It feel like Google is releasing a new service every few days. Today they appear they have done it again with the quite launch of Google Calendar beta.

The calender is nothing new and something similar has been implemented by other portals and web sites, but this has the clean and simple Google treatment resulting in a very functional and usable service. Sharing of your calender with other users and other software is also easy and in my experience unique for a free service.

I have already added Birthdays that I need to keep track of and added some other key dates, and I will be considering it as a replacement to Outlook in the future.

Surprisingly one thing that has not been widely commented is that a company now not only sees what we are looking for on the net, holds a complete history or our email communications (if using GMail) but is also starting to hold information about what we do where and when. Personally I find this a little spooky at times.

If you already gave a Google account you can already log in at .


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