Shock News, PC World not so crap after all

December 14th, 2006 by Alistair MacDonald Leave a reply »

No seriously. After posting my earlier blog entry regarding me experience with PC World I sent an email to them. To my surprise I did quickly get a response asking to speak to me, and asking for more technical details. I had a very fruitful discussion with the quality assurance manager who confirmed that what happened should not have happened, and filled in a few blanks as to why this was so unusual.

This is what appears to have happened… The product that I was trying to purchase at the offer price had been reduced since the prior Thursday, and was due to return to full price on the Tuesday gone. The problem was that a TV advertisement accidentally was broadcast nationally advertising the offer on Tuesday evening. PC World decided to honour the offer in stores if a customer asked about it. The problem with the web store is that you can not ask a web page for the price you have seen on the telly, so the offer was extended for a short time online. Although the price changes normally happen overnight when least users are shopping, on this rare occasion it looks like the price was changed back in the middle of the afternoon.

Apparently the person in the shop was correct and the price should have been honoured when I called up, but we are presuming that because I did not mention the TV advert this did not happen.

So although the call centre still scores a big fat zero, it is a good score for the store and top marks to the quality assurance team.


1 comment

  1. Andrew L says:

    Nice to see that PC World’s store team are friendly and helpful where you live. I’ve never complained, so can’t comment on the QA team. Nice to see it worked out in the end :)

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