Unlimited Yahoo mail, but sadly not for me

March 28th, 2007 by Alistair MacDonald Leave a reply »

First some good news… Yahoo are removing the storage limits on there mail service More information can be found here.

Now the bad news… Many years ago I was a happy RocketMail user. When Yahoo purchased the service you were forced to merge your RocketMail account with your Yahoo account. I was okay with this at the time and kept my RocketMail address. Sadly my RocketMail email address expired when I did not log in to if for a while, and because it is a RocketMail address it can not be reactivated. What is worse is that I can not recover or get another address without getting a whole new account.

Creating a new account is not a sensible solution for me because I use my Yahoo login for many things including Yahoo Groups, Flickr and Upcoming. The hassle and cost of finding a new username and moving across is just not worth it.

Sadly there is no other solution available. Yahoo have never returned a support query regarding the issue. I did ask a couple of Yahoo employees what the crack was and although they knew of the issue they did not know of a solution. My guess is that this is an outdated policy put in place to help the Yahoo brand, but it had adversely affected many people and damaged the Yahoo brand, so why it is still in place I don’t know.

I must say that it has only been recently while conversing with various Yahoo UK employees that have I started to forgive the company, but it is still not fully trust the brand as a direct result of the whole thing.


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