PayPay security key

October 27th, 2009 by Alistair MacDonald Leave a reply »

Earlier in the year I waffled of at BarCampLeeds about multi factor authentication and tried to persuade everyone to get a PayPal security key.

I learned at Charity Hack that PayPal were discontinuing the security key. I don’t know the full story, but it has been suggested that it could be because of cost.

The security key has essentially been replaced by SMS in the UK. So now you can register your mobile number, and when you try and log in as normal PayPay will send you an SMS message with a one time password to enter. Although not 100% secure or reliable this does overcome the authentication security concerns affecting most PayPal users. Because of this I strongly recommend you use it if it is practical for you to do so.

Now the good news. You can still purchase a PayPay security key for Ā£3 from the US PayPay site, and it is the amazing credit card sized hardware key pictured above. This key can also be used on ebay and other VIP web sites. There are no excuses, even if you only log in once a year you should please get one now.


1 comment

  1. Ross Dargan says:

    Hi Alistair

    I used SMS until it took a bit too long to get it one day so I tried the alternative by pass (You basically have to answer a basic security question to by pass it).

    What makes the bypass even worse is that autocomplete on the text box's is turned on!!!

    I turned sms off pretty soon after I found that!


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