Please include your email address

March 12th, 2007 by Alistair MacDonald Leave a reply »

If you are sending a CV to a IT related company for any position please remember to include an email address. You will find out quicker if a position is available that you are being be considered for, and you are less likely to be considered if you don’t. I have just rejected another speculative CV and will not be writing to them by post, while I would quite happily sent an email.

Also, while I am on the subject, at least check the company web site before sending a speculative CV, or a requested CV for that matter. I am always happy to receive them, but if you are applying for the position of a VDU operator then save a stamp.

This advice is relevant for all tech employers as far as I am concerned, but if you are considering sending a CV to me check out this page first, especially if you are an agency.


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